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package org.newdawn.spaceinvaders;

 * The entity that represents the players ship
 * @author Kevin Glass
public class ShipEntity extends Entity {
	/** The game in which the ship exists */
	private Game game;
	 * Create a new entity to represent the players ship
	 * @param game The game in which the ship is being created
	 * @param ref The reference to the sprite to show for the ship
	 * @param x The initial x location of the player's ship
	 * @param y The initial y location of the player's ship
	public ShipEntity(Game game,String ref,int x,int y) {
		super(ref,x,y); = game;
	 * Request that the ship move itself based on an elapsed ammount of
	 * time
	 * @param delta The time that has elapsed since last move (ms)
	public void move(long delta) {
		// if we're moving left and have reached the left hand side

		// of the screen, don't move

		if ((dx < 0) && (x < 10)) {
		// if we're moving right and have reached the right hand side

		// of the screen, don't move

		if ((dx > 0) && (x > 750)) {
	 * Notification that the player's ship has collided with something
	 * @param other The entity with which the ship has collided
	public void collidedWith(Entity other) {
		// if its an alien, notify the game that the player

		// is dead

		if (other instanceof AlienEntity) {

Total 60 Lines of Code.
Source code formatted using showsrc by William Denniss